Redwood Patio Furniture by Ozzy's Handiworks
On this page we will list all of the products we offer. Please check in often because we will
update the product pages with new items from time to time
Octagon Picnic Table
Table/Bench Combo (shown as table and, when folded down, a bench)

Loveseat Glider shown with optional cupholder arms (regular arms are standard)

Chair Glider with regular arms (cupholder arms are optional)

Folding Table & Folding Stools (stools also double as small side tables)



Folding Chair

Side Table

Table & Glider Covers

Sun Frog Products

Ozzy's Handiworks 8947 S. Ten Mile Road Meridian, Idaho 83642 (208)888-7495
or (208)890-1471 cell