Ozzy (Jim) was born in California, but moved to Boise, Idaho as an infant. He has lived in
the Treasure Valley his entire life, with the exception of living in Santa Ana, California during a 4 year stint in the Marine
Corps. Ozzy has always been creative, and has always been interested in starting his own business. The patio furniture idea
was started several years ago when he built some picnic tables as a hobby for family and friends and they suggested that he
should sell them. Ozzy had a chance to begin this business the winter of 1997, after being laid off from his job. Ozzy employs
3 people at his shop, which is at his home in Meridian, Idaho. He and his wife, Sue, travel to the Bay area in California
several times a year, showing and selling the product at art and wine festivals in the area. He also keeps busy deliverying
product to the dealer in San Jose, CA - Helm of Sun Valley.
Ozzy and his faithful friend "Luke" unloading redwood.

Jim and Sue Oswald founded Ozzy's Handiworks in 1997. They have been married 34 years, have 3 children and
5 grandchildren. Jim (tagged with the nickname "Ozzy" many years ago) has wanted to use his ideas and to be his own boss for
many years. He had the idea of building the octagon table, then created the gliders and other products you see to complete
the line. Periodically, he adds a new item to the ever-growing list of items. Sue takes care of the books, and designs the
catalogs, fliers and website.
Our Shop & Cargo Trailer

Ozzy loading tables into the cargo trailer for delivery.
